Hayden Christensen Interview (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

We were fortunate enough to be invited back to do a roundtable interview with Hayden Christensen ahead of the premiere of “Obi-Wan Kenobi”! This is truly a dream come true, and we hope you enjoy this interview! Charlotte and Caitlin ask Hayden about his interpretation of the character of Anakin and Vader, Vader’s state of mind, and what Star Wars means to him. Thank you again to Lucasfilm and Disney once again for this opportunity! Click here to download the episode directly.

Once again we were joined by: Dan Zehr of Coffee With Kenobi, James Burns of Jedi News (represented by Dan), and Tricia Barr of FANgirl Blog. 🙂 

Skytalkers will be on the Podcast Stage on 5/27 at 3:30 PM at Celebration Anaheim 2022!